Jaxson also had his four year check-up this week. He is very healthy and growing very well. I had to confirm this at the end of the visit because the doctor and I really spent his entire visit talking about little miss Vada. She is making a lot of strides in her development, however we think that she has some mild sensory issues that we are just trying to figure out. Presten and I have been working with her a lot of the past week and we can already see that she is calming down..YAY!!
Vada likes to make our lives very interesting and as you know taking her clothes off continues to be an on going game of chase. Well this week in between just running naked and sitting on her potty she has peed on our bed spread and her floor. Each time she tried really hard to clean it up..one her OCD issues.. (she is constantly cleaning). I had to tell her that I think this time a towel is not going to work..we need to take this one to the dry cleaners! uuuhoohh..is right Vada:)
This year has been a crazy year of spiders for us. We think that they are coming from the farm. Presten found this particular one this morning on the deck. We felt this spider made a very picture worthy web!
Jaxson also started flag football this week. Of course I forgot my camera so I will post pictures next week of him. He has been having fun practicing with dad in the backyard!
I think that is all for now!! Presten and I have our rollerblading marathon next week Saturday in Duluth. I hope we are ready!
Have a great week! The Bean's
OHHH I love your kids! They are the greatest! They make me laugh out loud at work weekly! I also have to comment on the spider web. How funny cause I took a picture of one sunday cause it was so pretty in the sunlight and it was the most perfect web...but it also means we are having a spider problem as well:(
Whoops that last comment was from me...Stacy (and Darrin too :))
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