
Monday, September 7, 2009

Livin' the Life

HELLO State Fair! We wait all year for this...FAIR DAY!! The Minnesota State Fair is what the Bean's call the greatest place on earth! The one day that we can over indulge ourselves in what some may call not so healthy food..however, nothing is off limits! This year we decided to mix things up a bit and expand in our personal knowledge of fair food finds. Unfortunately, this left out cheese curds and pronto pups, which we will now be craving an entire year.

To start we headed straight for the scotch egg...a first for both me and Presten. We dipped this big rolled sausage and egg which was deep fried to perfection in a little horseradish...verdict- YUM! The kids shared a ooey, gooey cinnamon roll. As you can tell Vada was in heaven!

Now that our tummy's were full it was off to see the animals. We made sure say good morning to the sheep, cows and pigs and of course all the baby animals.

Vada was a little turkey as usual and sat in time out a number of times at the fair for screaming and not wanting to sit in the carrier or let us hold her. Below is one of her time outs- she thinks time outs are hilarious and fun and she loves saying "I'm sorry".

Time for a mid morning snack...what better than fried pickles and mini donuts

Off to the butterfly garden! It took the kids a little warming up, but eventually Jaxson thought it was really cool to have the butterflies land on him.

Here is Vada oooo-ing the butterflies

Now time for lunch! We decided to eat at Giggles campfire grill where they had kids meals- $1.50 for chicken nuggets and fries and little animal cracker! I decided to try the smoked salmon on stick. I would have to say that this was my favorite find of he day-delicious! Presten had the footlong walleye sandwich which was also really good.

After lunch the kids took a little snooze. While the kids were sleeping Presten and I shared a cheese on a stick. I can honestly say that this was one that I could of forgone. Not super exciting.

Once the kids were up it was time to try the alligator! Jaxson was not into trying it and I really could not get past the fact that it was alligator. This left daddy and Vada - which she eats just about everything. This is her showing mommy her alligator in her mouth.

After an exhausting day at the fair we could not leave without Martha's cookies. We got our cone and headed down to the all you can drink milk station and gobbled up our cookies. By this time I think that we were all about ready to explode. We got home and were practically lethargic-taking good long naps. We have learned this is why we can only eat this WAY one time a year!

Saturday- another bright and early morning, but this time for some good old canning! Our friends Chris and Kristen have turned into canning machines! On the agenda- pickles and salsa. We let the boys do all the work this time. Kristen and I decided that it was a perfect day to take the kiddos to como zoo! Vada LOVED the seals- I think she could of watched them all day!

This was Vada, pre-strip show. That girl does not want to keep her clothes on! Running around as nude as the moon she had everyone rolling in their chairs. She is quite the entertainer!

Sweet Jaxson- posing for a quick pic! And yes the Vanderhorsts brought their stove outside for the canning- they don't fool around!

Well after almost two fabulous last weeks of the end of summer.... It's time for school! Jaxson met his teachers on Friday. He has three really wonderful teachers and I think that he is going to have a great year! Tomorrow he is going to have to wake up bright a early with me as we have to leave by 6:15am!
We hope that you all have enjoyed your summer! Have a great week! The Bean's

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