
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life with the Bean rugrats!

Hello! Well this week I finally remembered to bring my camera for Jaxson's football game! This week he had a 6:30 game so by the end of the game they were playing under the lights. He has been having a lot of fun at football, but it does make for a long day for him now that he is at preschool all day. He was making comments at the end that he was really tired. The remaining three games are all at 5:30, so that should help. We have been practicing with him more this week, he has a tough time always understanding what to do. I have to remind myself that he is playing with 8 year olds so that obviously makes a difference.

SPIDERMAN!! On Saturday, daddy had to work so we decided to go to a community ed carnival with the Teddy Bear Band! They had two wonderful ladies doing face painting. Jaxson got a spiderman mask and Vada did sit for her to get two little hearts on her face.

Friday morning we had a local photographer take pictures of the kids. This experience reminded me of why I have been postponing/dreading this day for weeks! The first stress is figuring out what they are going to wear and then actually trying to get Vada to try the clothes on and then leave them on. The morning of the pictures was pretty much a disaster. Vada was being her typical difficult self, which I can handle, but within 10 minutes of having her cream sweater on she got into the lily pollen and had yellow pollen all over her sleeves. After she realized that she had gotten dirty with the pollen she turned around a spilled my coffee which then of course she insists on cleaning up. Now she has coffee and yellow pollen on her sleeves. Ahhh! I was able to clean her sweater well enough and really at that point I didn't have another choice.

We then arrived to our destination and Vada would not and I mean WOULD NOT let got of me. She did not want anything to do having her pictures taken. The photographer was so patient and understanding. She really was trying to get their pictures taken together, but I knew going into this that would not be happening. Vada sit still...ummm good luck:) I told her that Vada's are going to have to all be candid and probably by herself- if she will let go of me! After she snapped a bunch of Jaxson we were able to get some of Vada all within probably one minute- the longest we got her to focus. This went on for the entire shoot until the last 5 minutes when we all sat on the ground with her pretended that we were having a picnic. We should of known- mention food to Vada and their are endless smiles!

Of course we get home and I she is as happy as can be and I was able to take bunch of pictures of her.

Vada has started to play a little more independently, even if it is only for a max of five minutes. Her two favorite things are trains and babies. You may be wondering why she is naked- well after the photo shoot she did not want to have her clothes on and I pretty much just gave in.


Grandma Vickie moved this week into her new town home!! In the move she decided that she didn't need the rocking horse that she had-so now Vada is the new owner and she is loving it!! She is not to good with sharing it yet, but we are working on it. She knows the word "mine."

Here is Vada playing with her babies. She loves pushing them around in the stroller, feeding them and putting them to bed. She is such a good little mommy to her babies and like any good mommy she always make sure that when she takes one somewhere that she has all five! Sometimes we can sneak a couple out, but now she is starting to notice! No playing favorites for her!

She even thinks that she needs to be in their bed with them! She just sits in there and talks to them.

I had my first experience at the Cheesecake Factory on Friday, and it did not disappoint! I had the peanut butter cup cheese cake--oo so good! I went out for dinner with Amy, Brook and Tiffany while Presten and the kids spent the evening at Jakes eating Pizza and watching football! It was really fun to have a couple hours of girl time and of course catch up with them!
Presten was at the game today-- what a game!! Plus, he was pretty excited because now he is in the Vikings program two times! Look for him on the first page!
Well I think that is all for now! Have a great week! The Bean's

Sunday, September 20, 2009

across the finish line, hand in hand!!

For the third time in the last five years, Presten and I skated in the Northshore inline marathon this past weekend. The kids went to grandma and grandpa's which made the logistics of everything a bit easier- plus we got a really nice break!
We arrived in Duluth on Friday afternoon to pick up our race packets at the convention center. This didn't take long considering we have skated two times prior, we pretty knew what to expect. Then we headed off to Sammy's in Cloquet for our 2nd annual pre race spaghetti dinner! After dinner we went back to our hotel to veg out! It was a weekend of movies for us!
We woke up bright and early to make sure that we had everything ready for the race. The bus left the DECC around 6:45a to take us up to Two Harbors.
Here a picture of sea of skaters getting ready for the race

Okay now it is really time to get ready!

All set!



The race went well, but for me at least it was pretty tough! Presten was an all-star, there were times that I was just exhausted and he pulled my hand and we just cruised! This gave me the needed breaks to make it to the finish line. Our time wasn't great- mainly because I was a slow poke, but it was exciting that we skated the whole way together.
We are sore today, not as bad as we thought we would be-hopefully that is not a jinx for tomorrow!
The kids of course were spoiled to death this weekend and had a more than their helping of fun! Back to reality for all of us!!
Thanks for checking in with us!! The Bean's

Sunday, September 13, 2009

school, pee and spiders!

Jaxson started his second year of preschool at St. David's Center (where I work) on Tuesday. Last year it took quite a few months for him to adjust and this year and this year.... well, lets just say -he's an old pro! Each morning he woke cheery as ever and ready for school!! Tuesday morning we got in the car and I turned the radio on and he heard the newscasters and he said "what the news people are up too?! that's silly!" Oh I was laughing about that one all day!

When I picked Jaxson up on Tuesday he showed me the special card that he earned! His teacher Olga said that he was such a good helper and a very sweet boy. He was very proud!
Jaxson also had his four year check-up this week. He is very healthy and growing very well. I had to confirm this at the end of the visit because the doctor and I really spent his entire visit talking about little miss Vada. She is making a lot of strides in her development, however we think that she has some mild sensory issues that we are just trying to figure out. Presten and I have been working with her a lot of the past week and we can already see that she is calming down..YAY!!
Vada likes to make our lives very interesting and as you know taking her clothes off continues to be an on going game of chase. Well this week in between just running naked and sitting on her potty she has peed on our bed spread and her floor. Each time she tried really hard to clean it her OCD issues.. (she is constantly cleaning). I had to tell her that I think this time a towel is not going to work..we need to take this one to the dry cleaners! right Vada:)

This year has been a crazy year of spiders for us. We think that they are coming from the farm. Presten found this particular one this morning on the deck. We felt this spider made a very picture worthy web!
Jaxson also started flag football this week. Of course I forgot my camera so I will post pictures next week of him. He has been having fun practicing with dad in the backyard!
I think that is all for now!! Presten and I have our rollerblading marathon next week Saturday in Duluth. I hope we are ready!
Have a great week! The Bean's

Monday, September 7, 2009

Livin' the Life

HELLO State Fair! We wait all year for this...FAIR DAY!! The Minnesota State Fair is what the Bean's call the greatest place on earth! The one day that we can over indulge ourselves in what some may call not so healthy food..however, nothing is off limits! This year we decided to mix things up a bit and expand in our personal knowledge of fair food finds. Unfortunately, this left out cheese curds and pronto pups, which we will now be craving an entire year.

To start we headed straight for the scotch egg...a first for both me and Presten. We dipped this big rolled sausage and egg which was deep fried to perfection in a little horseradish...verdict- YUM! The kids shared a ooey, gooey cinnamon roll. As you can tell Vada was in heaven!

Now that our tummy's were full it was off to see the animals. We made sure say good morning to the sheep, cows and pigs and of course all the baby animals.

Vada was a little turkey as usual and sat in time out a number of times at the fair for screaming and not wanting to sit in the carrier or let us hold her. Below is one of her time outs- she thinks time outs are hilarious and fun and she loves saying "I'm sorry".

Time for a mid morning snack...what better than fried pickles and mini donuts

Off to the butterfly garden! It took the kids a little warming up, but eventually Jaxson thought it was really cool to have the butterflies land on him.

Here is Vada oooo-ing the butterflies

Now time for lunch! We decided to eat at Giggles campfire grill where they had kids meals- $1.50 for chicken nuggets and fries and little animal cracker! I decided to try the smoked salmon on stick. I would have to say that this was my favorite find of he day-delicious! Presten had the footlong walleye sandwich which was also really good.

After lunch the kids took a little snooze. While the kids were sleeping Presten and I shared a cheese on a stick. I can honestly say that this was one that I could of forgone. Not super exciting.

Once the kids were up it was time to try the alligator! Jaxson was not into trying it and I really could not get past the fact that it was alligator. This left daddy and Vada - which she eats just about everything. This is her showing mommy her alligator in her mouth.

After an exhausting day at the fair we could not leave without Martha's cookies. We got our cone and headed down to the all you can drink milk station and gobbled up our cookies. By this time I think that we were all about ready to explode. We got home and were practically lethargic-taking good long naps. We have learned this is why we can only eat this WAY one time a year!

Saturday- another bright and early morning, but this time for some good old canning! Our friends Chris and Kristen have turned into canning machines! On the agenda- pickles and salsa. We let the boys do all the work this time. Kristen and I decided that it was a perfect day to take the kiddos to como zoo! Vada LOVED the seals- I think she could of watched them all day!

This was Vada, pre-strip show. That girl does not want to keep her clothes on! Running around as nude as the moon she had everyone rolling in their chairs. She is quite the entertainer!

Sweet Jaxson- posing for a quick pic! And yes the Vanderhorsts brought their stove outside for the canning- they don't fool around!

Well after almost two fabulous last weeks of the end of summer.... It's time for school! Jaxson met his teachers on Friday. He has three really wonderful teachers and I think that he is going to have a great year! Tomorrow he is going to have to wake up bright a early with me as we have to leave by 6:15am!
We hope that you all have enjoyed your summer! Have a great week! The Bean's