
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Two Crazy Weeks!

I know we missed a week!:)

Last weekend we had Paul and Shannon's Wedding. My mom came up on Friday to watch the kids because we had the rehearsal and dinner. We decided to stay in Bloomington on Friday night instead of driving all the way back home. It was really nice to be kid free for a night. Saturday morning we got up early and went and got Brugger's and coffee and ate breakfast outside. It was a gorgeous day! Then we headed over to the church so Presten could get ready for pictures.

Jaxson, Vada and my mom spent the afternoon at the park. Which was good considering we had another storm come through. My took the kids down to the bathroom until it passed. Jaxson said he wasn't scared, which was good because my mom hates storms!

The Wedding was really nice and the weather stayed nice all the way up to dinner-which by then didn't matter. We had a really good time at the reception!

We started soccer on Monday night. It was a little chaotic. We had 11 kids with their parents and some kids had both parents come -plus some of the siblings! We are trying to make things run smoother this Monday. Jaxson had Fun playing soccer with all this friends.

We had the assessor come out on Wednesday and we need a new roof AGAIN!! I think we are going to wait until Fall because we really do not want to risk anymore damage this season.

This past Friday night we went to Chris and Kristen's for Chris's birthday. Kristen had dinner catered in -which was awesome!-and then we had a bonfire. We laughed a lot! Jaxson even had a little playmate-one of the neighbors-they kept each other occupied.

Jaxson has been loving riding his bike up and down sidewalk. He is doing really good! He has been playing a lot with Dianna. Yesterday I asked her if she was done with school and she said, "yep now I can play with Jaxson everyday!"

Vada is still movin and grovin! She has been sleeping a lot! We are really hoping that a tooth will break through soon because she has just not been acting like herself.

Presten and I are home this week so we are looking forward to the time off! My parents and sister are coming up on Friday for the weekend. My dad's birthday is on Saturday so we are going to celebrate his birthday and Father's Day.

We'll time for supper! We are trying out our new rotisserie on the grill!

The Bean's

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