
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reflect. Redefine. Relax. Receive.

Well- once again it has been a little while…. However, the past couple months have been partly spent reflecting on our family’s life journey over the past year. October marked the year anniversary of our ‘adventure’ in finding a job for Presten that he was passionate about. As I reflect back on those five months, amidst all the financial stressors was this yearning for finding true meaning in my life and for our family. I reflected daily and made an intentional effort to ensure that every decision that I made was out of love. In return, my trust in God and faith was renewed and gave me hope for the future.

It is amazing how fast that can be reversed. I don’t think that I am all that different from most people. When do people tend to turn to their faith- in times of struggle, heartache, pain… And it is during that time that you say ‘I will never take anything for granted again’ or ‘I recognize now what is most important in my life’. The layers are peeled back and it is that true vulnerability that stares you in the face and in some cases you don’t like what you see…. You set new goals, seek purpose- you redefine your life….

However, eventually…. Your life starts to get back on the track and you start moving and then you start going a little faster and little faster until you reach the destination that you promised yourself you would never go to again. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!!!

Well, in our case, we held onto this purpose for quite awhile or until our lives started to spin out of control and holding on to our ‘life purpose’ slowly started to slip down on the priority list. We were no longer making intentional decisions or thankful for life’s gifts. Our hearts started to become toxic. What did this look like? Well in our house, a whole lot of crabbiness, anxiety, rudeness and frustration. This morning in church Pastor Jeremiah focused on the ‘heart’ and I think it really relates to this. He said look at your life like a river, there times that you find there is a lot of toxins in the river and you start to try and fish them out, but what happens? More and more toxic fish show up. Why? Because you have to change the source of the toxins and the source is your heart. If you work to change your heart there are going to be less toxic fish in the water. Are you guilty of this? I am. There are times when things are not going well and I say well maybe I need to remove this… or change that… but that just ends up becoming one big cycle. It is not all about removing pieces of your life it is about changing what is in your heart.

About one month ago, Presten and I decided it was time to sit down to talk through all our toxins. Life moves so fast and sometimes it is just simply easier to keep fishing than to deal with the source. This one conversation has changed our marriage. We redefined our commitment and things in our lives that we place value on. Thinking about it now, I think that it can be summed up in how we treat each daily interaction with each other along with our own personal health inside and out. Sometimes it takes just one conversation to be steered back on course. Relationships are hard- not just marriage relationships. They take a lot of work, but they also necessary because they fill us up. They can give us the energy needed to perform our spiritual gifts. God intended for us to have human interaction- that is why he created Eve- but he didn’t say it would be easy.

So now that we have had some time to reflect and redefine – we have also realized the need to relax. The times that we start to drift are the times that book our schedules solid. So now that have made relationships with our friends and families intentional we need to find the balance maintaining these relationships, but really taking the time to not just ‘be a spectator of our own lives.’ We allow life to just pass us by. We need to be actively present in every moment. Lastly we need to openly receive every gift. Jaxson and Vada give us ‘gifts’ every day, but we are not always open to them. When I am rushed or crunched for time I am less likely to recognize that my whole life is filled with gifts and blessings. I rarely take the time to ‘see’ them. I challenge you to be open to seeing all the gifts that surround you- everyday.

Today- I feel rejuvenated! My parents took the kids for OVER 24 hours! I call that BRAVE! Presten and I went to a movie, out for dinner, came home and watched another movie, but most importantly spent some much needed quality time together. The kids have kept us insanely busy over the past couple months. Jaxson started basketball and he loves it! They actually have them playing little scrimmage games. He has been making baskets, passing, dribbling and learning game rules. He is loving learning a new sport. Little miss Vada started swimming for the first time this Fall. This however, is not going quite as hot. It is very hit or miss if she will get in the water! Sometimes there are tears, maybe a little pouting and other days she is all for it and gets right in the water! I guess this is really no different than any other part of her life- you just don’t know what you are going to get!

Vada and Jaxson are both going to St. David’s Center for preschool this year. They are both doing amazing and are very well adjusted. When I drop Vada off she says “bye mom, love you!” WOW-was that unexpected! It is exciting that they can be at a place where they are so comfortable! And that I am just steps away!! Vada has come down to my office several times now during the day to give me a quick hug and kiss and then back up to class! Her teacher calls her ‘jellybean’ which we have now adopted in our family for her. I think that it is very suiting!

Well time to unpack from the weekend and prepare for the week! Peace! The Bean’s

Our little munchkins!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

livin' summer to the fullest!

I know, I know- it has been FOREVER since our last post! –BUT, the good part is we have been enjoying our summer weekends so much that by Sunday night, we’ve been wiped out!

So what have we been up too? Well, probably the most exciting event was Jaxson’s ROCK STAR birthday party!! We celebrated his 5th birthday with music, guitars, microphones and LOTS AND LOTS of dancing! I really can’t believe that we have a FIVE year old! Jaxson has really matured into a smart, animated, funny, sweet and enduring little boy. He is always so willing to help when needed while also be very independent. He pays very close attention to details and points out things when they aren’t quite right. Jaxson will be going to preschool for one more year at St. David’s Center before starting kindergarten next year. He is very excited to start tomorrow, especially because he knows and loves his teacher! What a great way for him to start the year.

A few weeks ago we had our annual canning weekend with Chris and Kristin. We canned and canned and canned!! Salsa, Pickles and Tomato Sauce! We are very excited to enjoy all our hard work- all year long!

A Minnesota summer would not be the same without the Minnesota State Fair! We went opening day, not really by choice, but because it was the only day that Presten could get off work. However, it was a beautiful, cool day. We woke up bright and early to arrive before the crowds. The kids keep telling me how much they want to go back! I can’t really blame them- food, rides and animals- it doesn’t get more fun than that!

The last weekend in August we went to the Minnesota Zoo with four of my girlfriends from college. (we missed you Erin(:( ). It is amazing how all of our families have grown, but we are still able to pick right up where we left off. I think we need to make this an annual event to ensure all our little ones grow up knowing one another.

The new Bear addition to the MN Zoo is super cool! We were getting ready to leave and Jaxson said, "I want to see bears ONE more time!" And we were glad he did- we watched these two bears wrestle with other for a good half hour!

This is how close the bears are to you!

The MN zoo also added a splash pad and the kids SPLASHED AWAY!!

My handsome boy!

After the day at the MN Zoo, we headed downtown for the first pre-season Vikings game. YES- it was a marathon day! With a nap in the van on the way over, the kids were rearing to go for the game! The most exciting part of the game was that we got to sit on the field! It was SO cool! The players from both teams were just steps away from us. This was Vada’s first game- hopefully she doesn’t think that every game we get to sit down there! She had fun- eating popcorn and hopping up on the ledge to see the players.

This bucket was gone when we left at half time!

Still smiling after a 12 hour day!

As many of you know, Presten has been working 6 days a week for the last 3 months or so. We are not complaining, but it has been a lot for him- AND for me:). So amidst all the craziness Presten planned a little one night get-a-way for us! On Saturday night Chris and Kristin watched – Jaxson, Vada and Lexi so we could have a night out. We went to the House of Comedy at the Mall of America . It was the funniest show – EVER! We laughed and laughed and laughed, for an entire 90 minutes! We will defiantly be going back! Then we stayed at the Hyatt in Bloomington. It was the best night sleep I had in a very long time. Thank you Chris and Kristin for being the most loving, selfless, genuine and fun friends that we could ask for. We are so lucky to have you in our lives. The kids had so much fun- cooking, baking and swinging and just being crazy!

And now the rest of the weekend has been spent cooking and freezing breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the school year. We have muffins, pancakes, hot pockets, enchiladas, penne pasta, barbeques, taco meat and cookies! No need to be stressed out about meals- at least this month- I think we are ready!

Tomorrow morning should be very interesting…. As many of you know, Vada had her open house at school on Friday and it didn’t go so hot. As soon as we got in the classroom she started screaming that she did not want to go to school. Vada is a pretty difficult child, mainly because she is so independent and strong willed. She has a VERY difficult time sharing, she is obsessive about washing her hands or using ‘germ juice’, she colors on herself almost every time she has a writing utensil, she loves getting into things that are behind closed cupboards and she gets carsick- A LOT, to name a few. She has a lot of quirkiness to her and I hope that the teachers can figure out :). Despite all the challenges- she is one of the funniest girls I know- we laugh and laugh at her! She loves to help- ALL the time, she really cares about her brother and hates being separated from him, she always says ‘thank you’ and she loves playing kitchen and babies. We love our little turkey butt!

Presten is gearing up for the Northshore Marathon this next Saturday!! We are heading up to Duluth on Thursday to have a long weekend together with the kids! We have some neighbors and my sister a few of her friends coming up to skate too. I decided to take a knee this year – because my knees are literally killing me! :) Maybe next year, but this year we are excited to have the kids watch daddy cross the finish line! It will be a fun experience for me to be on the other side of the race- as a spectator.

We have had such a fun summer that we have decided to have it extend all the way through September! With a trip to Ludlow’s on Lake Vermillion coming up too!

We hope that you have all had an AMAZING summer! We are looking forward to best Minnesota season- FALL!

Love to all, The Bean’s

Vada's Naptime Adventure this weekend! When we realized what she did, she said "daddy, I tried to do a good job!"

So pretty Vada!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Soaking up the summer!

Is it really August???! Wow, to say this summer has flown by, would be an understatement. I can barely keep up with our schedule. Every week seems to go faster and faster, however we have LOVED every minute of it!

We have done so much over the last few weeks that I am just going to highlight a few of our events!

Every summer we host the Bean Family Barbecue at our house. Here is a picture of all the grand kids with great grandma and grandpa.

A Bean BBQ would never be complete without a good old fashioned water fight!

Very few people went home dry!

Water Limbo!

The first weekend in August we went on our last camping trip with my family. We stayed at a campground in Osseo, WI with my parents, sister Katie and her boyfriend Justin. We had such a great time. The kids were in water heaven, they swam and swam and swam! The campground had a really nice mini golf course.

Jaxson and Vada taking a putting break

Pool Time!

~Pure Joy~

Sliding down the frog tongue!

Still riding in that boat!

Big Jump!

The cabin

Our little tree climber

grandma kisses

Jaxson and grandpa on the wagon ride

Mommy and Vada

Thank you mom and dad for a great weekend!
Today we went tubing down the Rum River! I have not been tubing for years! The kids had so much fun. We are all wiped out and looking forward to bedtime!
Good Night! :0 The Bean's