
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Preschool Blues!

Well things took a turn for the worse this week for Jaxson at preschool! He is still having a hard time adjusting to his new routines and kids. On Tuesday he had a pretty big break down and his teacher called me and I went up to try and calm him during his meltdown. -which was all over him not wanting to go to Spanish class. I got him to go, but I am not sure that he will go again. Then on Thursday he had a couple more breakdowns during the day. He also is not eating his lunch-or at least not much. When I pick him up he is starving so he eats it on the way home from school. I talked with his teacher for quite awhile on Thursday. He is just having some big attachment issues. He not only gets upset when I leave, but if his teacher has to leave the classroom he has a meltdown. She said that he is very hesitant with the other kids and she tries to pair him up with the quieter kids so they don't upset him. This all just seems so out of character for him. We are working on a "no tears" reward system this week, so cross your fingers!

Vada had a tough week too with her teeth. I think that they are finally broken through because today was a better day for her. She is working at mastering the shoe thing-which she really doesn't care for, but she'll get it.

Friday we had Chris and Kristen over for dinner. Presten and Chris worked on the bathroom, but there is still lots to do! We had a really good time chatting, talking a little politics and watching the debate!

Saturday we had a big day! St. David's had their annual Fall Festival-Art Gone Wild! There were a ton of different activities for the kids to do different art projects, mini golf, climbing wall. Jaxson had a good time. Vada was a little crabby, but what's new! Then off to the apple orchard! Both of the kids perked up when we got there. Jaxson went on a pony ride! I wasn't sure how brave he was going to be, but he did great! Vada loved playing in the hay and going down the little slides. Then on our way home we stopped off at Vicky and Steve's to wish Steve a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Grandpa even took Jaxson down on the lawn mower to see the neighbors horses!

Then today after church, Presten and Jaxson, went to a place called Kids Against Hunger. It is similar to Feed my Starving Children. This one is located in Becker. They fill bags of food that are shipped around the world. Today the boxes that they filled were being shipped to Haiti. Presten said Jaxson did so good. His job was to add a cup of soy to the bag and he worked just as hard as everyone else.

The rest of today has been spent watching football of course! Have a great week!! The Bean's

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We've Recovered so Time to BBQ

The crazy kids!!

After a couple sore days at the beginning of the week, Presten and I have recovered from the marathon! Now only if I could get rid of this darn head cold that I have been carrying around all week..we would be in excellent shape! Things just don't run as smoothly around the house when mom is sick!

I think that we are all starting to adjust to our new routines. Jaxson has allowed me to leave him at preschool without kicking and screaming so I am grateful for that! Vada is now walking at full speed and has all the bumps and bruises to show for it! She apparently has the Bean gene too- you know that accident prone gene! :) Her head has a couple pretty big welts and she has gotten two bloody lips in the past couple of days as well. Her two top teeth look like they are almost ready to break through so she should have 2 new toothers for her BiRtHdAy!

Saturday we had some neighbors over for one last BBQ before the summer officially ends! The kids had so much fun--all Eleven of them! They all played really well together --and each one has another one their age so everyone has a playmate! Jaxson had more treats than I could count...but he slept in this morning! We have such great neighbors! I am not sure if anyone else is having a problem with flies...but seriously! With the door opening so much on Saturday night we had about 15 families of flies in our house. Jaxson and I went on a fly hunt this morning, but I think that we still have a couple families to go! Along with those darn!!!!

Thanks for checkin in! The Bean's

Sunday, September 14, 2008

All three across the finish line!!

We are excited to tell everyone that we all made it across the finish line!! Presten and my sister Katie finished in awesome time! I had an equipment issue that held me up at the start of the race. About 1/4 of mile in a I felt like something was wrong with my right blade and sure enough I look down and my front wheel had lost the nut to keep the wheel in place. If I would not of realized it my wheel would of just flown off. I found someone that was able to fix my wheel however, at this point I was probably a good 1/2 mile behind all 4,000 skaters! It took me a mile or two to catch up and start passing some skaters so I wasn't the absolute last person across the finish line. Presten finished in 2.5 hours and I was somewhere around 3 hours...which beat my time in 2004 so we are making progress! We skated from Two Harbors to Duluth right along the North Shore. We are excited that we finished...but we are sooo SORE today!

We drove up to Duluth on Friday and went took the kids to the Zoo. Jaxson loves animals so he had a really good time...minus this crazy monkey that we were watching through the glass. He decided to lunge straight at us..I thought I was going to have a heart attack! We then went and checked in at the hotel. We stayed at Black Bear Casino just a few miles outside of Duluth. We were really impressed with the hotel. They had a really nice heated pool and two hot tubs and a big buffet that we indulged ourselves in after the race!

Jaxson and Vada had fun hanging out with grandma and grandpa....there are always lots of treats!

Jaxson had two good days at preschool. He was a little bit of a stinker on Tuesday, but on Thursday he was a bit better..we'll get there. He just has these little meltdowns when I drop him off and pick him up, but is good in class.

Vada is starting to get her top two teeth in, so she been a little more fussy these last few days. Other than that she is into everything...all the time! One more month until she is ONE!!

Have a great week! The Bean's

Sunday, September 7, 2008

it's all a blur.....

Jaxson's first day of preschool

This past week was pretty crazy for all of us. We are all transitioning onto our new schedules....we have only encountered some minor bumps in the road so we say praise for that!
Jaxson had a great first week at preschool. Tuesday I almost forgot to say good bye to him because he was already off playing! Thursday he was a little more clingy and had a pretty big melt down when I picked him up..but we made it through and learned some lessons so this week hopefully will be a little smoother.
This was also Jaxson first week of Sunshine choir practice at church and Sunday school. Apparently being three is a pretty BIG deal! Jaxson met a little boy named Nicholas at choir practice on Wednesday-they hit it off right away! Nicholas is such a hoot! This morning at Sunday school there was a little girl that came into the class and Nicholas said, "Hi Sara-this is my friend Jaxson." Jaxson was being a little shy and Nicholas said to him, "Jaxson, don't be shy it is just Sara." It was pretty cute. I asked Jaxson how Sunday School went- and I asked him what they did with these spoons that I saw in the classroom-Jaxson said, "oh me and Nicholas didn't do those because we were being monkeys instead!" I can just imagine what they were doing! There were 12 three and four year olds this morning and 2 teachers! Jaxson also received his preschool bible on Thursday night from Paster Phil. He has been carrying it all over the house and he looks through it and asks us to read him the stories. It is not going to take long to get through it!
We had Heidi and Keith over on Saturday. We spent a lot of the afternoon with them and then we made dinner and played some games-with Jaxson:) and then they left around the time that we put the kids to bed. We hadn't seen them in a long time so it was nice to be able to spend that much time with them!
Vada is still our little monster! She is starting to take some more steps. She can do about 5 in a it won't be long before she is running!
Well I think that we are all exhausted this today so we will be going to bed early!
Wish us luck we have the marathon on Saturday and we haven't rollerbladed for a couple weeks at this point I really am not sure what we got ourselves into!
Have a great week! The Bean's
Here is a little video of Vada working on taking some steps!

Monday, September 1, 2008

State Fair and Summer Projects!

Happy Labor Day! We hope that everyone had a chance to relax and celebrate all the hard work you do all year long. Or you could do what we did and try and pack in an entire summers worth of projects in 3 days!

We decided to paint the basement this weekend among other things...we have been talking about doing it all summer so finally we did it and it looks so good. We had to work in shifts around when the kids schedule so it took us the whole three days. Jaxson was quite the I was painting I asked him how it was looking and he told me that it didn't look good yet because he could still see white on the wall. He is so funny.

Jaxson has a big day coming up tomorrow..It is his first day of preschool!! He is super excited. After his 3 year check-up on Friday we went to meet his teacher and some of the of the other kids that are going to be in his class. He will be going St. David's now on Tuesdays and Thursdays. By the way..the check-up went great. He was a little stinker about the eye check-maybe next year.

Vada is doing great! She LOVES to eat!! We went to the State Fair on Wednesday and all she wanted to do was didn't matter if it was our food or not..if she saw food she wanted it! She did really well at the fair, she even got in a little nap which she needed! We had been looking forward to the fair all winter/spring/summer! Of course it had to rain, but it didn't slow us down a bit! We ate a lot--but next year I think that we are going to be a bit more daring!

Vada is also our little dancer now-she hears music and shakes her butt!

We are looking forward to a short is going to busy, busy for I am already looking forward to the weekend!

Have a great week! The Bean's